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Hey There Hoyden!
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Hi! It's 2010!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Crazy Encounters

Hello Internet People! It's 2010 and I can't believe I've been on and off this blog for, gulp, 7 freakin' years. I think it's been 7, well, close to 7 since I think I started this in the fall of 2003. Back when I started my masters, that still isn't finished. Sheesh - don't be so judgy people. It's hard to write a thesis about television and it's importance on the political agenda. Or something like that.

In any case, 2009 was a huge year. HUGE! Started out like any other year, but quickly included trips to NYC, Chicago, London and Paris. First time in Europe, people and let me tell you, it was AWESOME! Especially the ride in the chunnel. Ok - so that wasn't the highlight, but I don't think I'm capable of picking one highlight b/c it was all awesome. Well, except perhaps for the fact that just after I had been hanging out in Paris's Gare du Nord train station, everyone's favorite tabloid star Lindsay Lohan was spotted there as well. I missed her though...C'est la vie!

Then came summer which included making many new friends, a trip to middle Pennsylvania and a fateful night out at the bar on the bottom level of The Black Cat in DC. Those who were there know what I'm talking about, but suffice to say it had been a long, long time since I opted not to cab home and instead sleep on someone's couch to have a bit more time to chat a particular lady up (or anyone up for that matter.) Fast forward to a sweet tubing/camping trip and here we are 6 months later (almost) far, that 6 months (almost) has included Las Vegas, the Steelers, TransSiberian Orchestra, Hipster Night, Sticky Rice, Granville Moore's, a Real World DC sighting, Rock n Roll Hotel, Bowling, the National March for Equality, David Yurman, U2, the Chick Fil A bowl, the Delta Queen, silent q's, scramble, darts and most of all, tons of laughter and fun (oh and maybe some cocktails.)

So, if 2010 starts even half as good as 2009 ended? I'd put myself in the pretty lucky category. Thanks Halli!

Posted by Morgan at 11:42 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 13 January 2010 2:56 PM EST
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Thursday, 13 March 2008
Chain Restaurants Aren't Really That Bad - You Can Admit It!
Topic: Crazy Encounters

I heart chain restaurants. I know it isn't cool for a young hip single who lives in the city to admit to enjoying such mundane suburban activities as chain restaurants. However, today? I do not care what others think of me. I'm here to sing the praises of those chains (with the exception of Applebee's b/c that's gross).

TGIFriday's, Chili's, Ruby Tuesday's, The Outback, Red Lobster and The Olive Garden are just a few of my favorites. I don't believe the food is excellent, but it is comfort food and most chains offer the best special of all.

The 22oz draft beer.

You can enjoy it with your Friday's Jack Daniels Sampler, your Chili's baby back ribs, your Tuesday's salad bar, your Outback Victoria's Filet, your Red Lobster garlic cheese biscuits or the Garden's all you can eat soup, salad and breadsticks.

How can you go wrong? See you at lunch!

Posted by Morgan at 11:37 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Things Not to Freak Out About
Topic: Crazy Encounters

I'm guessing that 2008 really shouldn't be started by spending an ample amount of time checking out the following website which is sure to give me nightmares.

Happy 2008! 


Posted by Morgan at 3:14 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 January 2008 3:16 PM EST
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Monday, 24 September 2007
My Name is Prince - and I am Funky!
Topic: Crazy Encounters

Oh for the love of the lord - I ran into this guy last night while having a drink before a Genesis concert. A Genesis concert in which my friend and I got reprimanded for talking too loudly by the fat ass and his 80's wife in front of us. And before you ask, no, the concert was not at a library. Unfortunately for that couple, no one else around us found that we were talking too loudly and I may or may not have spilled a soda on the floor that leaked under his chair. Oops. Of course, he may or may not have told on us to the usher who came to talk to us about our behavior - which after the time he yelled at us

AHole: If you are going to talk, go do it in the concourse.
Me: Seriously? What?
AHole: Yeah, seriously, leave.
Us: Hee - we just got told to be quiet at a concert. Let's be really annoying now with our cheering.

In any case, we explained our version of events to the usher and noted that said usher could easily check with other concert goers around us to confirm that we were not doing anything unsavory. It was completely surreal. And, perhaps we were sort of talking, but not so that people couldn't actually hear the music. I mean, it was loud in that place!

Assholes. Oh - and as a side note - barrett clips from 1982 are really inappropriate.


Posted by Morgan at 3:15 PM EDT
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